US' AI chip export curb

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Today we will discuss-

  •  🔐US finalizing rule to curb AI chip exports to China

  • 🏃‍♂️South Korea lags behind U.S., China in AI race

  • ⚠️UAE minister urges swift AI regulation to prevent disaster

  • 😱11 amazing AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

Biden administration finalizing rule to restrict AI chip shipments to China

☕News - The United States is in the final stages of reviewing a revised rule that limits the export of chips used for artificial intelligence to China.

The revisions aim to tighten restrictions and eliminate loopholes in the rules that were originally introduced on October 7, 2022.

🤔What are these loopholes though? It is suspected that China is using its alliance with Saudi Arabia to bypass U.S. tech sanctions and acquire advanced AI chips from manufacturers like NVIDIA.

Moreover, this partnership between Saudi Arabia and China has raised concerns at leading academic institutions in Saudi Arabia, where there are worries that such ties could jeopardize the university's access to U.S.-manufactured chips crucial for powering advanced AI technology.

🙄What's more? For some time now, Western officials have been expressing worries about the increasing transfer of technology between their allies in the Gulf and China. However, the Biden administration has not yet taken measures to block exports to West Asia. Instead, U.S. officials are increasing their efforts to encourage Gulf states to distance themselves from China, which includes support for a rail and shipping corridor connecting India and Europe through West Asia.

Strict regulations put South Korea at a disadvantage in global AI race

👨‍💻News - South Korea has long been lagging behind other developed countries, such as the United States and China, in the global AI race. This can be attributed to strict regulations in South Korea that have limited private sector investments in AI technologies, as highlighted in a recent analysis by the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI).

🧐Where does Korea stand now? 

  • According to the Global AI Index published by British data analysis firm Tortoise Intelligence in June, South Korea ranked sixth in overall AI competitiveness, trailing far behind the U.S., China, Singapore, the U.K. and Canada.

  • South Korea ranks third in the world in AI patents, but it lags behind other developed countries in AI innovation and development. This is because of the country's high barrier to using data, which is essential for AI development.

  • However, South Korea ranked 18th in private sector AI investments and 20th in the number of data scientists and engineers, according to Tortoise Intelligence.

  • Additionally, a survey conducted by the science ministry revealed that South Korea needed an additional 7,481 AI experts to catch up to other developed countries.

Here, it is important to note that the South Korean government's intention to reduce next year's budget for AI research has raised concerns about more AI experts leaving the nation, setting Korea further back in the AI race.

UAE minister calls for immediate AI regulation to prevent potential disaster 

♨️News - According to the UAE's top AI official, Omar Al Olama, it is crucial to confront the challenges and dangers posed by artificial intelligence to avoid a potential major disaster.

He pointed out that AI's capabilities and influence are nothing like we've seen before, which means those who control it could potentially cause widespread harm. This makes regulating the technology a top priority.

🎯What's the most important point here? The minister emphasized that waiting too long to regulate AI may potentially cause harm, as addressing the challenges is expected to be a lengthy process.

He added that this is because AI cannot be regulated as a standalone technology but rather based on how it's used and where it's applied. Moreover, the minister encouraged people to not let fears surrounding AI deter them from embracing the technology, as avoiding it may leave them unprepared for the future.

🤷‍♂️So what's the current state of AI regulation in the UAE? Up until now, the UAE has been more focused on fostering AI development in the country rather than regulating the technology. Even in its National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, the UAE gave limited attention to regulatory ambitions, with only the mention of the establishment of an Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Council that would be tasked with incorporating global best practices in AI.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

😲Did you know?

  • According to a study by IBM, bots are able to address 80% of regular user inquiries, resulting in a reduction of more than 30% in customer support expenses.

  • In 2018, a machine in Microsoft's translation system achieved human-level accuracy when translating a Chinese news article into English. The accuracy was confirmed by external human evaluators who compared the machine's output to two independent human translations.

  • During the China Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen, a robot named Xiao Pang, or "Little Fatty," damaged a display booth and injured a young boy. Witnesses also observed that the robot, which was designed for children aged 4 to 12 appeared to be frowning after the incident.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. MagicAds - A web application that uses AI avatar technology to simplify the creation of User-Generated Content (UGC) ads

  2. Speech Meter - An AI-powered tool designed to help users practice English pronunciation

  3. Parking Reader App - A mobile app that uses AI technology to predict parking availability in real-time

  4. Postus - An AI-powered platform that automates social media management

  5. Jife - An AI-powered interior design generator that allows users to transform any room into a Japanese interior

  6. Bagasura - A bug tracking tool that enables users to report, track, and close bugs faster

  7. Kindred Tales - AI-powered writing assistant that helps transform life stories into a stunning hardcover book

  8. - A code documentation tool that uses AI to generate comprehensive documentation from source code

  9. ClipDrop - An AI-powered ecosystem of apps, plugins, and resources designed to help creators create stunning visuals in seconds

  10. Kive - An AI-powered image library and creative collaboration platform that helps teams find, organize, and share visual inspiration

  11. Digitalmuses - An AI-driven art generation application that allows users to create unique characters with specific descriptions

👨‍🎤AI-generated influencers

  • Rozy Oh - A prominent AI-driven virtual Instagram influencer and model hailing from South Korea. Her striking, chic fashion sense has garnered the attention of her audience. Additionally, she's branching into music, and recently released her inaugural album.

  • Ryan - A beloved AI-generated mascot from Kakao Friends, a renowned South Korean messaging app. Recognizable through stickers, he and his companions engage fans by sharing their daily adventures on social media, enhancing communication and building a loyal online community.

  • Daisy Yoox - Powered by the YOOX MIRROR technology, Daisy was created to enhance the personalized online shopping experience for YOOX customers. Catering to both men and women, she has effectively transformed the fashion industry.

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