Ukraine's AI roadmap

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Today we will discuss-

  • 🤓Ukraine shares roadmap for AI regulation

  • 🤖Italian G7 presidency to assess AI's labor impact

  • 🩺Google announces new AI search capabilities for doctors

  • 😱11 amazing AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

Ukraine rolls out AI regulation roadmap to safeguard citizens

📜News - Ukraine plans to introduce its artificial intelligence regulations next year, but only after the adoption of the AI Act in Europe to ensure alignment between national and regional laws.

The country’s Ministry of Digital Transformation recently published the AI roadmap on its website.

🤔Why is this needed? As emphasized by Vice PM Mykhailo Fedorov, artificial intelligence is an inevitable trend. Therefore, clear rules were required to foster business growth and simultaneously protect citizens from AI-related risks.

According to Fedorov, these measures will empower Ukrainian AI companies to rival their European counterparts, attract investments, accumulate operational expertise, and create a secure digital environment for people.

🧐What's more? The roadmap is based on a bottom-up approach, which simply means starting small and expanding gradually. Furthermore, its implementation will take place through two different stages.

During the first phase, businesses will be given the opportunity to self-regulate through various methods, including assessing the impact of technology on human rights and signing voluntary codes of conduct. In the second phase, a law similar to the European AI Act will be adopted. This will align Ukraine's AI regulations with the EU's, fostering cooperation with European partners and attracting investments.

Italian G7 presidency to focus on AI's impact on labor market

☕News - Labor Minister Marina Calderone announced on Monday that the Italian G7 presidency in 2024 will prioritize examining how artificial intelligence systems will affect the labor market.

👷‍♂️Why is this important? Several economists have proposed theoretical frameworks centered on AI being an automation technology. These frameworks suggest that while AI can boost productivity it may also lead to decreased labor demand, lower wages, and a reduced share of labor income. Given these potential implications, Calderone stressed that it is essential to anticipate and address potential job displacement effects effectively, ensuring a balanced impact of AI on the labor market.

💁‍♀️How is the Italian government stepping up?

  • In May, the government allocated 30 million euros ($33 million) to enhance the skills of both unemployed individuals and workers facing heightened automation and artificial intelligence-related job risks.

  • Previously, the cabinet undersecretary announced plans to create an investment fund, supported by the state lender CDP, to support AI startups and promote AI research and development in the country.

  • Italy's data protection authority is also reviewing AI platforms and looking to hire AI experts. Overall, the country is taking conservative approach as evidenced by its temporary ban on the popular chatbot - ChatGPT in March.

Google introduces AI-powered search capabilities to save healthcare workers' time

🏥News - On Monday, Google Cloud introduced new AI-powered search capabilities designed to assist healthcare professionals in quickly accessing accurate clinical information from various medical records.

The new features will be offered to health and life sciences organizations through Google’s Vertex AI Search platform.

👨‍⚕️What can these new AI search capabilities do for doctors?

  • It can streamline access to a patient's medical history, enabling doctors to search specific questions, like "What medications has this patient taken in the last 12 months?" rather than having to sift through separate notes, faxes, and electronic health records.

  • It can also perform tasks like assigning accurate billing codes and assessing whether patients qualify for participation in clinical trials.

  • The technology can also cite and link the original sources of information from an organization's internal data, reassuring clinicians about the accuracy of AI-generated responses.

🤨What prompted this move though? Google's new search capabilities are a response to the growing administrative burden on healthcare professionals, as highlighted in a 2016 study funded by the American Medical Association. The study found that physicians spent two extra hours on administrative work for every hour spent with patients.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

 🐮Unusual AI use cases

  • AI brewery - AI systems are now being used in breweries as they can help optimize the brewing process by monitoring and controlling variables like temperature, fermentation, and ingredient ratios to create unique beer flavors.

  • AI companion robots - Some AI-powered robots are designed to offer vital companionship and assistance for elderly individuals, alleviating loneliness and enhancing their mental well-being. These robots are equipped with conversational abilities, can monitor health vitals, and even remind users to take medications, making them valuable companions for aging individuals.

  • AI sentiment analysis for cattle - AI-equipped sensors monitor the well-being of cattle by analyzing their vocalizations and behavior. This technology helps farmers detect stress or discomfort early, allowing for timely intervention and improved husbandry practices to ensure healthier and happier herds.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. Mocaw - A professional mock interview platform that helps individuals improve their interviewing skills

  2. Neurons - An AI-powered tool that helps businesses optimize their creative assets, to increase conversions and improve performance

  3. Xero.AI - A no-code analytics web application that allows users to train, test, and deploy machine learning models

  4. GreenThumb - An information assistant that specializes in gardening-related questions

  5. ZapHire - An AI-powered recruitment tool that helps companies find and hire the right candidates more efficiently

  6. Quickads - An AI-powered platform that allows users to design ads for various platforms and campaigns, including display ads

  7. Releases Notes - An AI-powered tool that revolutionizes the creation of release notes for software updates

  8. Mockey - A tool that provides users with over 1000 product templates to create high-quality and professional-looking product mockups easily

  9. Blackbox - A web-based tool that enables users to copy code from videos, images, PDFs, and other formats

  10. DomainWoohoo - A website that helps users search for available domain names

  11. Delibr AI - An AI-powered tool designed to help product managers create high-quality documents quickly and efficiently

 📺AI-based series

  • Westworld (2016- 2022) - The series is set in a technologically advanced amusement park called Westworld, where guests can interact with lifelike android hosts. As the series unfolds, it explores complex themes such as AI consciousness and the ethical implications of playing with advanced technology.

  • Altered Carbon (2018- 2020) - It is an American cyberpunk television series based on the 2002 novel of the same name by Richard K. Morgan. The show is set in a futuristic world where technology has advanced to the point where human consciousness can be transferred between bodies, allowing individuals to essentially live forever.

  • Person of Interest (2011- 2016) - Created by Jonathan Nolan, the show revolves around a billionaire computer programmer and an ex-CIA agent who prevent violent crimes with the help of a super-advanced artificial intelligence system known as "The Machine," that can predict acts of terrorism and violence. The series has gained a dedicated fanbase and remains well-regarded for its five-season run.

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