UK needs China for AI

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Today we will discuss-

  • 🥳UK invites China to global AI summit

  • 👩‍💼Biden introduces global collaboration plan for AI

  • 🧑‍🏫OpenAI invites experts to evaluate its AI models

  • 😱9 fantastic AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

Britain recognizes China's role in tackling AI risk, sends invitation for upcoming AI summit

 🤖News - Britain has extended an invitation to China to participate in its global AI summit scheduled for November. UK wants this summit to be a model for future discussions between countries about how to regulate AI.

The upcoming AI summit will bring together experts from a variety of fields to discuss the potential risks and benefits of AI. The event will cover a wide range of topics, including the potential threats AI poses to biosecurity, as well as its applications for the greater public good, such as enhancing safety in transportation.

🕵️‍♂️Why is China’s participation important? As emphasized by UK Foreign Minister James Cleverly, UK cannot guarantee the safety of its citizens from AI risks without the involvement of one of the leading nations in AI technology.

Furthermore, China is one of the leading countries in AI research and development. It has invested heavily in AI in recent years, and its companies are at the forefront of developing new AI technologies.

As of press time, there was no confirmation from China’s end about its attendance at the upcoming AI summit.

US President plans to work with nations worldwide to ensure AI is used for good

📰News - In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, on Tuesday, President Biden outlined his vision to collaborate with nations worldwide to harness the potential of AI for the greater good, while protecting citizens from its risks.

🤓What were the key highlights of his speech?

  • Biden acknowledged the dual nature of this emerging technology, and stressed the importance of ensuring that AI is used responsibly and ethically, so that it benefits all of humanity rather than harming it.

  • To achieve this, he stated that the United States is actively working alongside global leaders to bolster regulations and policies governing AI technologies. The goal is to ensure that these technologies are thoroughly tested for safety before being made available to the public, emphasizing the need for human governance over the technology itself.

  • Meanwhile, the Biden administration has also secured voluntary commitments from leading AI companies to test their AI tools for security before releasing them to the public.

Well, President Biden's comments come as US policymakers are trying to learn more about AI in order to develop regulations that will protect Americans without stifling innovation.

OpenAI to collaborate with experts to evaluate and enhance their AI models

🧑‍🎓Context of the News - As AI systems become more complex, companies need to make sure they are safe and reliable. One way to do this is called "red teaming." In red teaming, a group of experts tries to hack into an AI system and find its weaknesses. This helps the developers to identify and fix problems before they cause real harm.

👩‍💻News - Now, OpenAI too has been trying to address issues with its AI systems. And to improve its models, the company has started a new program called the OpenAI Red Teaming Network. This program works with outside experts to find and fix problems with the company's AI models.

OpenAI has a history of engaging external experts to evaluate and test its AI models, including participants in its bug bounty program and researcher access program. However, the launch of the Red Teaming Network formalizes these efforts, aiming to deepen and broaden OpenAI's collaboration with scientists, research institutions, and civil society organizations.

👨‍🚀How will the network work? OpenAI said that the Red Teaming Network will work with existing governance practices, such as third-party audits. Experts from the network will be called upon to participate in red teaming activities at different stages of model and product development, not necessarily for every new model or product. This is to allow for more diverse and continuous input, making red teaming a more iterative process.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

💁AI life hacks

  • AI home assistant - Try advanced smart home devices that can turn your home into a relaxing and welcoming environment after a tiring day at work. From security systems, thermostats, lights, even down to coffee machines and blinds, everything can be controlled and automated using AI like Amazon Echo or GoogleNest, making your living environment effortless and comfortable.

  • AI health monitor - Utilize wearable AI devices that can monitor health metrics, such as heart rate, sleep patterns, and physical activity levels in real-time to get personalized suggestions on lifestyle changes you can make for better health.

  • AI social media assistant - If you are someone who loves to share photos on social media but can't come up with interesting captions, use AI writing tools such as or writersonic. Such tools are also beneficial in assisting you write SEO-optimized titles, ad copies, landing pages, and more with minimal input.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. Teeps AI - A productivity tool that aims to enhance the efficiency and collaboration of product teams

  2. Hayt - A search tool designed to revolutionize the way you search and manage your digital content

  3. Heero - An AI-powered cover letter generator tool that helps users create tailored cover letters in minutes

  4. FocusDoro - A task management tool designed to help users plan and organize their daily tasks effectively

  5. SwapMyFace - A web-based service that allows users to superimpose their faces onto any picture

  6. Glimpse - An internet-enabled AI assistant and browser extension that revolutionizes the browsing experience

  7. AIHairStyles - An AI-powered hairstyle generator that allows users to discover new hairstyles by uploading a selfie

  8. DALL-E Bro - A plugin for Figma and FigJam that utilizes OpenAI DALL-E 2 algorithm to generate images from text

  9. - An AI-powered localization tool for videos that provides automated voiceover, captions, and translation services

💂Historic moments

  •  1769 -Wolfgang von Kempelen created a mechanical chess-playing device called The Turk, which was once considered to be an early example of artificial intelligence. It even defeated Napoleon Bonaparte in a game of chess. However, The Turk was later revealed to be a hoax, as it concealed a human chess master inside.

  • 2000 - Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute built the Nomad robot. It embarked on an expedition to Antarctica, where it made history by becoming the first robot to uncover a meteorite.

  • 2009 - Netflix awarded a $1 million prize to the team "BellKor's Pragmatic Chaos" for developing an algorithm that improved the accuracy of its movie recommendations by more than 10%.

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