OpenAI to compete with NVIDIA

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Today we will discuss-

  • 🤝UN, Netherlands launch project to boost AI supervision

  • 🚫 MPs, campaigners demand ban on facial recognition in UK

  • 🏭OpenAI considers making its own AI chips

  • 😱13 amazing AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

Netherlands and UN launch a joint initiative to strengthen AI supervision in Europe 

🏢News - On Thursday, a joint initiative between The Netherlands and the United Nations was launched with the aim of assisting European national agencies in enhancing their capacity to supervise artificial intelligence.

Supported by the European Commission, this project comes ahead of the AI Act that will regulate how AI is used in Europe once it is passed into law.

😺What's more? As part of the project, UNESCO, a specialized agency of the UN, will collect information on how European countries are currently regulating AI and create a list of recommended "best practices." Moreover, the insights will also be used as a guide to shape numerous ongoing AI discussions globally, as emphasized by UNESCO's Gabriela Ramos.

UNESCO will receive support from the Dutch digital infrastructure agency (RDI) in communicating and coordinating meetings with national working groups from various European countries, with the initial gathering set to take place in The Hague.

🤔Why is this needed? As emphasized by Nathalie Berger, director at the European Commission's reform assistance service, while the AI Act is set to be passed this year, an additional two-year period will be required for it to come into full force. She stressed that during the two year period, supervision will be essential in ensuring the successful practical implementation of the act.

UK politicians, privacy campaigners call for immediate ban on facial recognition systems

🪧News - A group of politicians and privacy campaigners have urged the police and private companies to stop using facial recognition cameras and ban the use of such systems immediately.

The group, representing parliamentarians from the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green parties, along with campaigning organizations such as Amnesty, Index on Censorship and Big Brother Watch, have voiced concerns about the potential for discrimination, human rights violation in such systems, along with what they see as a lack of a democratic mandate for this technology.

🧐What caused this sudden call for a ban though? Earlier this week, policing minister Chris Philp expressed the need for officers to be able to access a wider range of databases for images besides those on its national database, which is limited to individuals who have been arrested. The Home Office defended this proposition citing the technology's success in identifying criminals, and its potential to locate missing or vulnerable individuals, allowing police to focus on other tasks.

However, privacy campaigners believe that these systems can be less accurate when identifying individuals with certain skin tones or facial features, leading to racial and gender biases. They also violate civil liberties, including the right to privacy and freedom from unwarranted government surveillance, raising ethical concerns.

OpenAI explores in-house AI chip production to address shortage, cut down costs

☕News - OpenAI is looking into manufacturing its own artificial intelligence chips to address the shortage of expensive AI chips upon which the company currently depends.

Over the past year, there have been ongoing discussions within the company regarding various options, including working closely with chipmakers, expanding its supplier base beyond Nvidia, which currently dominates 80% of the AI chip market, and the evaluation of a potential acquisition target. However, a definitive decision to proceed has not been made yet.

😥Are there any more concerns? Apart from the shortage of AI chips required to power OpenAI's software, another major concern is the high costs associated with running the hardware needed for OpenAI's projects and products.

Since 2020, OpenAI has been developing its generative artificial intelligence technologies on a massive supercomputer provided by Microsoft that runs on 10,000 Nvidia GPUs. This makes running the gen AI chatbot- ChatGPT extremely expensive, with each query costing about 4 cents.

This simply means that if ChatGPT were to scale to even one-tenth of Google's search volume, it would require a significant amount of capital to remain operational.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

 🎸AI generated music

  • Daddy's car by Sony CSL is a pop song that was composed using the AI system - FlowMachines. The song was created to capture the essence of the iconic music band, The Beatles and has been praised for its upbeat rhythm, catchy melody.

  • Savages by AllttA is a hip-hop song written by American rapper and songwriter Mr. J. Medeiros. The song's distinct sound, engaging lyrics, and the use of AI to mimic Jay-Z's voice contribute to its appeal for fans of electronic and hip-hop music.

  • Deliverance Rides by MetallicAI. This song is popular for its dark and intense AI-generated lyrics that fit the metal musical genre well and sound like they could have been written by a human artist, making it stand out among other AI-generated songs.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. ChatDB - An AI-powered database assistant that eliminates the need for writing SQL queries

  2. TranscribeAI - An AI-powered transcription tool for Mac that revolutionizes the process of converting audio files into text

  3. Danelfin - A stock analytics platform that helps investors make informed investment decisions

  4. Vert - A website builder and lead management suite designed for small businesses

  5. Pinbot - Utilizes AI to enable users to privately search their browsing history with accuracy

  6. Luxa - A product analytics tool that helps B2B product managers gather insights from customer sales calls

  7. Hatchet - An incident response tool that helps on-call engineers quickly triage, investigate, and fix issues with critical services

  8. Illa - It can summarize and answer questions based on a given piece of text

  9. Runway - A content creation suite that provides powerful AI tools and real-time collaboration to help users create content faster

  10. Feng My Shui - An AI-powered tool that generates images by combining Midjourney's models with other AI models

  11. DetangleAI - An AI-based tool that simplifies complex legal documents into easy-to-understand summaries

  12. NVIDIA Canvas - A tool that uses AI to turn simple brushstrokes into realistic landscape images

  13. Rokoko - A variety of motion capture tools and services to enable users to create more realistic and immersive animations

📖AI-based book

  • Our final invention by James Barrat - The book delves into the potential risks and consequences of advanced AI. It raises important questions about the coexistence of humans and highly intelligent AI, highlighting concerns about control, ethics, and the potential impact on society.

  • The sentient robot by Rupert Robson - This book explores the idea of creating AI that possesses consciousness and the potential implications of such technology. The book's lead character, Felicity, is an artificial superintelligent being with human traits, values, and consciousness, allowing her to hold a uniquely advantageous stance in considering and formulating solutions for humanity's toughest problems, all while perceiving the world like us.

  • Queen of Angels by Greg Bear - It is a Sci-fi novel set in the year 2047. The plot revolves around the use of advanced technology in the future which allows for the examination and manipulation of human thoughts and emotions. The book is known for its intricate plot, complex characters, and exploration of the potential consequences of merging human minds with technology.

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