NASA using AI for aliens

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Today we will discuss-

  • 👩‍🎤Meta to introduce AI chatbots for young users

  • 🧮Tesla's Optimus robot sorts objects on its own

  • 👽NASA to use AI to search for aliens

  • 😱9 amazing AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

Meta to unveil Gen AI chatbots with unique personalities

💁‍♀️News - Meta, the parent company of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram plans to launch several AI chatbots this week, each boasting unique personalities aimed at attracting younger audiences.

These AI chatbots, called "Gen AI Personas" are expected to make their debut during the Meta Connect conference starting this Wednesday.

Meta is also working on a chatbot creation tool that will allow celebrities and creators to make personalized AI chatbots to engage with their fans.

🤡What's interesting about them? Available in various "personas," these chatbots will be designed to entertain young users with lively and vibrant behavior. To test this, the company has already experimented with a few chatbots. One of these bots called "Bob the robot," takes inspiration from the character Bender from Futurama and describes himself as the master of sass and humor.

While the main aim is to improve user engagement, certain chatbots might also have skills related to productivity, like helping with coding.

Tesla's humanoid robot Optimus can now sort object on its own

🤖News - In a recent update, Tesla announced that its Optimus robot can now sort objects by itself. It is basically, a humanoid robot. Autonomous humanoid robots are robots that can move and perform tasks like humans. They are programmed to do unsafe, boring, or repetitive tasks that can be difficult or dangerous for people.

The company said that Optimus used its neural network to autonomously sort colored blocks into trays.

🦹‍♀️What new skills did Optimus showcase? 

  • Using its sensors and vision, the robot ensured that its arms and legs were in the correct position before autonomously sorting blue and green blocks into their respective trays.

  • Even while a person was moving the blocks when Optimus was working, the robot continued to sort them correctly, demonstrating its ability to adapt to its environment.

  • The fact that Optimus was able to go back and fix its mistake of putting a block in the tray the wrong way demonstrates its ability to self-correct. This is an important capability for robots, as it allows them to learn from their mistakes and improve their performance over time.

NASA believes AI will be essential in proving if aliens and UFOs are real

🚀News - NASA recently published a 36-page report about UFOs, saying they don't have enough quality information to be completely sure where UFOs come from. For context, UFO stands for "unidentified flying object." It is a term used to describe any object seen in the sky that cannot be immediately identified.

The space agency has now announced that it will be using artificial intelligence and machine learning for discovering and proving if aliens and UFOs are real.

🛸How will AI be used? NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said that AI will be used to "scan the skies" for anomalies. A report by NASA's independent research team on UAPs (unidentified anomalous phenomena), a more formal term for UFOs, also noted that AI will be essential for identifying anomalies in large datasets.

Dr. Nicola Fox, NASA's associate administrator, explained that AI is fantastic at finding hidden patterns or clues that are buried in data. As an example, she provided the instance of AI discovering a hidden pattern of superstorms using data that was quite old, predating the regular scientific satellite information that is typically relied on.

This demonstrates that AI can be used to find anomalies in data that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to find using traditional methods.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

🤩Interesting facts

  • In 2017, an algorithm wrote an entire Harry Potter chapter titled "Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash," after it was fed text from Rowling's best-selling book series.

  • In 2018, the city of Las Vegas' Innovation District launched the first completely autonomous electric shuttle on a public roadway in the US.

  • OpenAI, in the year 2019, developed a robotic hand called Dactyl that was capable of solving a Rubik's Cube.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. InterviewSpark - An AI-powered interview coach that helps users practice for interviews and track their progress over time

  2. Brainglue - A tool that allows users to build prompt chains for large language models such as ChatGPT

  3. Spot - An AI camera system that helps organizations create safer workplaces and smarter operations

  4. - An AI-powered education assistant that generates interactive lessons and quizzes based on users' interests

  5. SW Stock - A web application that provides AI-driven suggestions and tools to help users manage their finances

  6. Free Music Demixer - A web application that uses AI models to separate different instruments from a music recording into stems

  7. Contra - An AI-powered portfolio platform that allows freelancers to showcase their work, sign clients, and get paid without any commission fees

  8. Quick Ads - An AI-powered platform that allows users to create professional-quality ads quickly and easily

  9. Supportlogic - An AI-powered customer support tool that helps businesses by providing proactive alerts, backlog management, account health management, and more

💥 Mythbuster

Myth - AI systems are immune to hacking

Fact - Just like any other software or technology, AI systems can be vulnerable to security breaches and hacking attempts if they have weaknesses in their design, implementation, or security measures. Their digital nature and reliance on algorithms and data make them susceptible to manipulation, highlighting the importance of implementing robust security protocols and regular updates to safeguard against potential threats.

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