Meta's shocking AI revelation

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Today we will discuss-

  • 😐Meta admits using public posts for AI training

  • 😀Japan drafts guidelines to prevent overreliance on AI technology

  • 🪙UK government announces £37m funding for AI projects

  • 😱9 amazing AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

Meta uses public posts from Instagram, Facebook to train its AI model 

☕News - Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has confessed to utilizing public posts from Instagram and Facebook members to train its newly developed artificial intelligence assistant, Meta AI.

The company has stated that it plans to keep using public posts to enhance Meta AI and other features, including AI stickers, restyling, and backdrops.

💻What posts are being used? Text and images from publicly shared Instagram and Facebook posts are being used to train Meta AI. These posts are selected based on their popularity and engagement, with any personal information being removed before it is used to train the AI.

However, Meta has not revealed the number of posts used to train Meta AI or how it plans to notify the members whose posts have been utilized. Thus, raising questions about data ethic, and the responsibility of tech companies in ensuring transparency and user consent in AI training processes.

 🤔Are there any concerns though? Some users are concerned about the privacy and ethical implications of Meta using their public posts to train its new AI model. They argue that Meta has not obtained explicit consent from users or informed them about how their data is being used. They also worry that the AI could generate harmful or misleading content, or infringe on users' intellectual property rights. Meta has not yet clarified how it will handle requests from users who want to opt out of having their posts used for AI training.

Japanese government urges companies to be cautious about overreliance on AI

♨️News - According to draft guidelines from a Japanese government panel, companies and organizations using artificial intelligence must take steps to avoid becoming overly reliant on the technology.

The panel is responsible for shaping the nation's AI strategy and is expected to finalize the guidelines by year-end.

🧐What are some of the rules that the draft outlines? 

  • The draft advises AI developers to avoid using biased data to train their AI and recommends keeping records of interactions with the technology to address any problems.

  • It also asks AI businesses to ensure fairness and transparency in safeguarding human rights and prevent personal information from being shared with third parties without consent.

  • The rules also call for information on how data is collected from individuals or entities and how it is used by related parties.

  • AI providers are required to caution users against entering sensitive data, in order to prevent misuse by malicious or bad actors.

🤓What more is Japan doing in the field of AI? In addition to working on the draft AI guidelines, Japan, as the current leader of G7 nations, is collaborating with other member nations to establish global guidelines for AI developers.

UK government allocates £37M to boost responsible AI innovation

💰News - The UK government has announced a funding pool of £32 million for businesses and research teams that are looking to make use of AI technology in new ways for the greater good.

An extra £5 million has been granted for feasibility studies on 100 projects with small businesses, with the goal of preparing every sector for AI advancement. These studies will help in evaluating whether a project is technically, financially, and operationally feasible before committing significant resources to it.

🤨How is this beneficial for the UK? This funding will aid AI projects to grow safely and responsibly, which will in turn benefit the larger industry, and contribute to the Prime Minister's goal of economic growth in the UK.

💼What are some of the projects that have received AI funding? 

  • One of the recipients is Kapdaa, which is working on AI-powered textile recycling to reduce the fashion industry's environmental impact. TradeWork is another recipient that is using AI to improve construction project management.

  • DeepPlanet is also a recipient, and it plans to use satellite imagery to detect diseases in grape plants. Finally, Better Environment and Transport which is developing AI solutions for UK's fire and rescue services to reduce emissions and fuel costs.

  • This latest funding boost is part of a series of government initiatives ahead of the AI safety summit. The UK has also allocated £2 million to four projects focusing on AI solutions for the hardest-to-treat cancers and dedicated £31 million to establish a global research and innovation ecosystem for responsible AI.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

😲Interesting facts

  • IBM's Watson for Oncology was designed to help doctors make better cancer treatment decisions. However, medical experts soon flagged inaccuracies in the AI's advice, highlighting the need for teamwork between AI and human professionals.

  • In 2018, Waymo, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., launched a self-driving taxi service in Phoenix, Arizona - a development in bringing autonomous vehicles to the public. The self-driving taxi was operated by using advanced sensors and radar systems, enabling it to safely negotiate the road and drop passengers.

  • In August 2012, a glitch in an AI-driven trading algorithm caused Knight Capital Group to experience a flash crash, losing a staggering $440 million in just 45 minutes. This incident underscored the susceptibility of AI systems to errors and their capacity to trigger substantial market upheavals.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. Rasgo - An AI-powered platform that combines the capabilities of generative AI with self-service analytics

  2. Coachify - A comprehensive fitness app that helps users optimize their workouts at the gym

  3. Audiogen - A tool that generates high-quality audio, including samples, instruments, sound effects, and textures

  4. zenAI - Automates user interviews to understand user needs more quickly and accurately

  5. DomainOwl - A domain name generator that simplifies the process of finding the perfect domain name for businesses and events

  6. Anyclip - A company that specializes in video intelligence, they have developed a platform that uses AI to analyze and enhance videos

  7. Comicai - An AI-powered tool that allows users to create comics easily

  8. Dora - A web design platform that enables users to create stunning 3D and animated sites without coding

  9. Galeby - An AI-powered customer support tool that aims to improve efficiency by answering repetitive customer queries


Myth - AI can understand sarcasm 

Fact - Sarcasm is a complex form of communication that relies on tone, context, and subjectivity. AI lacks the ability to understand these nuances, making it difficult for the algorithm to detect sarcasm. In fact, the indirect language, emotional context, and cultural cues used in sarcasm challenge AI's pattern-based understanding.

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