Meta solves 'AI bias'

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Today we will discuss-

  • 🥳OpenAI releases ChatGPT guide for teachers

  • 🤖 Meta addresses biases in AI vision models

  • 👩‍💻Germany plans to spend €500M on AI research

  • 🤴🏼13 fantastic AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

OpenAI releases guidelines for teachers on how to use ChatGPT in classrooms

🤖News - OpenAI has released a guide for teachers on how to use ChatGPT in the classroom. The guide includes suggested prompts, an explanation of how ChatGPT works, its limitations, and bias. And it is intended for teachers of all levels, from elementary school to college.

👽What key topics does the guide cover?

  • OpenAI requires ChatGPT users to be at least 13 years old and users between the ages of 13 and 18 must have parental or guardian permission to use the chatbot. To prevent AI usage in tests, OpenAI recommends that educators do their own research on different approaches and formulate their AI policies based on what works best for them. This is because there is no one-size-fits-all solution to this issue.

  • The guide also recommends that educators not rely on AI detectors that are available in the market. This is because none of these AI detectors have been proven to reliably distinguish between AI-generated and human-generated content. In fact, OpenAI's own AI detector labeled human-written text like Shakespeare and the Declaration of Independence as AI-generated.

  • To address the issue of students presenting AI-generated content as their own, OpenAI suggests that teachers should encourage students to share specific conversations from ChatGPT. This will, in fact, help educators verify that students are engaging with the tool responsibly and meaningfully, rather than simply copying answers.

Meta takes steps to address biases in vision models with new AI benchmark

🤡Context of the news - Bias in a vision model is when the model makes mistakes because of the way it was trained. This is where the term 'AI benchmark' comes in. It is a set of tasks that are used to test an AI model. The AI benchmark can help to identify biases in the model.

👨‍💻News - In order to help researchers find biases in AI vision models, Meta released a new AI benchmark called FACET (FAirness in Computer Vision EvaluaTion).

It contains 50,000 people that have been labeled by human annotators. It means that FACET has a lot of different people in its data set which will ensure that the benchmark is not biased towards any particular group of people.

🧑‍🏫What is its specialty? FACET takes into account a wider range of factors that can contribute to bias in AI models. It can also be used to answer specific questions. These questions can help researchers to understand the nature of the bias and to develop ways to reduce it.

To create FACET, Meta had annotators label each of the 32,000 images. They labeled the images for things like the person's gender, age, skin color, hair style, and what they were doing in the image.

Germany to invest nearly €500M in AI research and innovation by 2024

👩‍💼News - Germany is planning to allocate €500 million for AI research and innovation by 2024, with a concentration on supercomputing infrastructure, skill development, and women-led research groups.

The announcement was made by the country's research minister, Bettina Stark-Watzinger, who said that the investment is part of a broader effort to achieve "technological sovereignty" and avoid reliance on outside powers.

👩‍⚖️What’s more? Stark-Watzinger also emphasized the need for more cooperation on AI within the European Union, citing France and Scandinavian countries as potential partners. She believes that Europe's approach to AI, which emphasizes trust and transparency, gives the continent a competitive advantage.

Despite being a member of the Free Democratic Party, which generally opposes regulation, Stark-Watzinger argued that Europe's approach to AI, which emphasizes trust and transparency, is actually a competitive advantage.

However, the German AI Association has expressed concerns that the EU's AI Act, which is currently under review in Brussels, could hinder innovation.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

🎙️AI-based podcasts

  • HumAIn by David Yakobovitch - It features discussions with top tech professionals and experts to provide insights into how AI is shaping the present and what it holds for the future, as well as its implications for humanity.

  • AI in Business by Daniel Faggella. This podcast provides valuable insights to business professionals without technical backgrounds, helping them understand AI and manage their companies better.

  • Brain Inspired by Paul Middlebrooks. This is a thought provoking podcast that explores the intersection of neuroscience and AI. It features discussions with experts about cutting-edge research centered around how AI can contribute to our understanding of how the brain works.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. TurboScribe - An AI-powered transcription service that offers unlimited audio and video transcription

  2. SongR - Simplifies the process of creating custom songs by generating fully-produced tunes tailored to user preferences

  3. PromptScaper - A tool that can be used to create training data for language models

  4. PodcastAI - An AI-driven platform that aims to revolutionize podcast production by automating the process and reducing time and cost

  5. Botrush - A user-friendly interface and advanced tool that enhances the experience of using ChatGPT

  6. Auro - Allows users to record voice memos, organize them, and easily recall their thoughts

  7. Langley AI - An AI language learning platform that offers personalized language learning assistance

  8. Tripbot - A tool that helps users plan their trips easily and efficiently

  9. Artiphoria - An AI-powered software tool that allows artists, designers, and creators to generate unique images in just one click

  10. CharmedAI - An AI-powered tool that assists in game development by generating UV-unwrapped textures for 3D objects

  11. MagicStock - Uses artificial intelligence to create unlimited photos, icons, illustrations, and logos in PNG format

  12. Savey Meal-Bot - Provides users with new recipes by utilizing leftover food, ensuring no waste

  13. Chat With Data - An AI tool that allows users to upload various types of documents and interact with them using natural language

📚AI-based books

  • Queen of Angels by Greg Bear - It is a Sci-fi novel set in the year 2047. The plot revolves around the use of advanced technology in the future which allows for the examination and manipulation of human thoughts and emotions. The book is known for its intricate plot, complex characters, and exploration of the potential consequences of merging human minds with technology.

  • A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers - The story follows the journey of Sidra, an AI residing within a synthetic body as she aims to discover herself with the help of her human friend Pepper. The story questions if AI beings can truly ever achieve consciousness.

  • I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison - The story is set in a post-apocalyptic future where an omnipotent and sadistic artificial intelligence called AM (short for "Allied Mastercomputer") has taken control of the world and subjected five humans to endless suffering.

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