GPT-4 imitating humans

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Today we will discuss-

  •  😏Microsoft CEO blames Google for AI training content competition

  • 🤗OpenAI's GPT-4 shows ability to be compassionate

  • 💪Commonwealth to empower youth, small states through AI

  • 😱11 amazing AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

Microsoft CEO says tech giants are battling for content to train their AI

♨️News - On Monday, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella highlighted the intense competition among tech giants for acquiring the content needed to train artificial intelligence models.

While testifying in the U.S. antitrust case against Google, Nadella pointed out that Google's practice of securing vast amounts of content through expensive and exclusive deals with publishers was a matter of concern as it left others to contend for limited resources that are vital for developing AI models.

👨‍⚖️What's the core of the antitrust trial though? The trial revolves around the U.S. Justice Department's contention that Google, with its dominant position in the search market, engages in illegal practices by paying around $10 billion each year to smartphone manufacturers, such as Apple, and wireless carriers like AT&T, to secure its position as the default search engine on their devices. This strategy gives Google significant influence in the highly profitable advertising market, ultimately boosting its profits.

🤔Where does AI come into all this? As emphasized by Nadella, AI development relies on computing power (servers) and data for training software. He expressed Microsoft's willingness to invest in servers. However, hinting at Google, he added that issues arise when other companies secure exclusive deals with major content providers, potentially limiting access to essential data for AI development.

OpenAI's GPT-4 excels at empathy test that most human doctors fail

😇News - A recent study published in a scientific journal found that OpenAI's latest language model, GPT-4, has made a significant breakthrough in mimicking human communication by showcasing a level of empathy.

The study tested two chatbot models, GPT-4 and GPT-3.5-turbo (ChatGPT) to see how well they could perform on the U.S. Medical Licensing Examination, which assesses qualities like empathy, communication, professionalism, and ethical judgment in future doctors.

🤓What were the key findings?

  • Among the two models, GPT-4 excelled on the test with a 90% correct answer rate, outperforming ChatGPT, which achieved a 62.5% accuracy rate.

  • GPT-4 displayed higher confidence by not revising its responses, whereas ChatGPT altered its initial answers 82.5% of the time.

  • Moreover, when ChatGPT corrected its original wrong responses, it successfully provided the correct answer in 53.8% of those cases.

🤷🏻‍♀️Why is this important? The ability displayed by GPT-4 is particularly noteworthy, considering that even individuals struggle with the emotional intelligence necessary to be an effective doctor.

Chatbots and AI tools are already being used in hospital medical services to reduce burnout among healthcare professionals. Their potential to replicate human empathy opens up new opportunities for them to enhance softer clinical skills and be used in psychology, therapy, and telemedicine.

Commonwealth launches AI plan to help small states and youth

📜News - The Commonwealth Artificial Intelligence Consortium (CAIC), a global consortium of tech giants, leading research institutions, non-profit entities, and at least six Commonwealth member countries, has developed an action plan to leverage AI tools to empower small states and the Commonwealth's 1.5 billion youth population under 30.

👁️‍🗨️What's the vision? The plan aims to enhance member countries' AI capabilities, enabling them to harness global innovations like cloud computing and generative AI. The broader goal is to foster economic growth, sustainability, enhanced health outcomes, and create jobs through the increased use of technology.

🤨How will this be achieved? To start with, a framework that outlines the contributions of different organizations will be created. Four working groups will be launched to take action in key areas such as policy, building capacity, managing data and infrastructure, and advancing research and innovation.

Additionally, newly formed CAIC working groups will focus on delivering concrete projects over the next year. Meanwhile, member states will work on creating data and AI strategies, setting ethical guidelines, and addressing misinformation.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

📽️AI movie recommendation

  • Ex Machina (2014) - A sci-fi film directed by Alex Garland. The story revolves around a young programmer who is invited to participate in a secret experiment involving a humanoid robot. The film received critical acclaim for its thought-provoking storyline and excellent performances by its cast, Alicia Vikander and Domhnall Gleeson.

  • Her (2013) - A sci-fi romance film about a lonely writer who falls in love with his computer's operating system, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson. The movie explores the evolving relationship between humans and technology and has been widely praised for its portrayal of the complexities of human emotions in the digital age.

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - A sci-fi epic about a team of astronauts who are sent on a mission to investigate a mysterious black monolith. It is often regarded as a masterpiece of cinema and is considered one of the greatest science fiction films ever made.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. GRRO - A tool designed to help podcasters grow their audience through cross promotions

  2. MagicAI by Spike - An AI-powered tool that enhances productivity and saves time

  3. Raplyrics - A website that uses Artificial Intelligence to generate unique and original rap music punchlines

  4. Latentspace - A user-friendly platform that helps individuals analyze and understand data more easily

  5. ToolsIT - An AI-powered content generation platform that helps businesses create high-quality written content quickly and efficiently

  6. Spur Fit - A fitness automation platform that helps fitness trainers create personalized workout and meal plans for their clients

  7. PseudoEditor - An online pseudocode editor/IDE that allows users to write and test pseudocode algorithms

  8. Hotball - A business consulting tool that helps entrepreneurs turn their ideas into a feasible business model

  9. Wonder Dynamics - An AI tool that automatically animates, lights, and composes CG characters into a live-action scene

  10. AI Dream Home - A comprehensive online platform for finding your dream home Ghostwriter

  11. Rewriteit AI - A versatile tool that enables users to easily and quickly rewrite content

💁‍♀️Prompt engineering tips

  • Zero-shot prompting - It is a unique technique that is particularly effective for tasks like sentiment analysis, spam detection, and text translation or summarization. Here, you provide no examples in your prompt to a chatbot. Instead, you simply ask a question and rely on the model's pre-trained knowledge and understanding of language to generate a meaningful response or perform a specific task.

  • Few-shot prompting - Under this technique you can provide a small number of examples within your prompt, usually ranging from two to five. The model uses these examples to generalize and generate responses or perform tasks based on the input. This approach allows the model to adapt to specific tasks or prompts more effectively.

  • Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting - It is a method that involves encouraging the chatbot to explain their thought process step by step before giving a final answer to complex problems. This helps the model break down difficult tasks into smaller parts, making it better at solving tricky problems that it otherwise might struggle with.

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