Experts divided on AI risks + Twitter welcomes new tool

Reading time: 9 minutes

Today we will be talking about -

  • 🔻What dangers can AI bring into our lives?

  • 🐤Twitter asks users to help spot fake AI images

  • 🎬How AI-generated video is changing film

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom

Are AI experts focusing too much on sci-fi-like scenarios?

🗞️News - Last week, a group of artificial intelligence experts, including the heads of OpenAI and Google DeepMind, warned that the technology could one day pose an existential threat to humanity.

👺But what are these possible threats?

  • Weaponization: AI systems could be used to create new and more powerful weapons, or to improve the performance of existing weapons. This could lead to an arms race, or to the use of AI-powered weapons in conflict, with devastating consequences.

  • Misinformation: AI tools could further be used to generate and spread misinformation, which could undermine trust in institutions, lead to social unrest, or even trigger violence.

  • Control: AI systems could become so powerful that they are beyond human control. This could lead to a scenario where AI systems make decisions that are harmful to humanity, or where they simply decide to ignore human control altogether.

  • Enfeeblement: AI systems could become so sophisticated that they make humans obsolete. This could lead to a future where humans are no longer needed for work, or where they are even seen as a threat to AI systems.

Is it even for real? While some experts believe that AI poses an existential threat to humanity, others argue that these fears are overblown and that we should focus on more immediate problems, such as bias in AI systems.

Arvind Narayanan, a computer scientist at Princeton University recently stated that sci-fi-like disaster scenarios are not true: "Current AI is nowhere near capable enough for these risks to materialise. As a result, it's distracted attention away from the near-term harms of AI".

Twitter introduces a new feature to fight AI-generated misinformation

📻Context of the News - Twitter is a social media platform where people sometimes share pictures that are made by computers using artificial intelligence (AI). However, these AI-generated pictures can sometimes spread false or misleading information.

📰News - To tackle this problem, Twitter is expanding its Community Notes feature to allow users to add context to images. The Community Notes feature was first launched in 2022 as a way to allow users to add additional information to tweets.

However, the feature was limited to text-based tweets only. The latest Community Notes feature would give people a chance to provide more accurate information or point out if something is not true in any pictures. This way, users can help each other understand what's really going on and prevent the spread of misinformation.

Additional details about the Community Notes feature:

  • Notes can be up to 2,500 characters long and can be added to any tweet, including AI-generated images.

  • It can be edited or deleted by the user who added them and it can be reported for abuse too.

🚉Further information - Twitter's pilot feature currently supports tweets with a single image. In the future, the company plans to expand the feature to support videos and tweets with multiple images and videos.

Surreal AI generative video is revolutionizing the film industry

News - Surreal AI, a startup, has created an AI system that can generate realistic videos from text descriptions.

The system uses a generative model to understand how an image is constructed. This means that the model learns the underlying patterns and relationships that exist in real images or videos. Once the model has learned these patterns, it can use them to create new videos that are similar to the real videos it was trained on.

📀How filmmakers can benefit from it? Surreal AI generative video works by using artificial intelligence to generate images and videos from text descriptions. This means that filmmakers can simply describe what they want to see in a scene, and the AI will generate it for them. This can save filmmakers a lot of time and money, as they no longer have to hire actors, set designers, or cinematographers.

Well, Surreal AI generative video is already being used by some of the biggest names in Hollywood. For example, the film "The Lion King" (2019) used AI to generate some of the movie’s most iconic scenes.

👎Any disadvantages?

  • Accuracy: Surreal AI generative video is still in its early stages of development, and it is not always accurate. This can lead to videos that are not realistic or visually appealing.

  • Copyright: The technology can create videos that infringe on copyright laws which can lead to legal problems for filmmakers.

🎃What else is happening?

🎞️AI movie recommendation

  1. Blade Runner (1982) - A neo-noir science fiction film about a police officer who is tasked with hunting down replicants, which are bioengineered androids that are visually indistinguishable from humans.

  2. Chappie (2015) - A science fiction action film about a police robot that is given the ability to think and feel.

  3. Minority Report (2002) - A science fiction thriller film about a police officer who is tasked with apprehending criminals before they commit their crimes.

  4. The Bicentennial Man (1999) - A science fiction drama film about a robot who is purchased as a household appliance and gradually develops human-like qualities.

⚒️Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. Supermeme - An AI-powered meme generator

  2. Evoke Music - Royalty-free music library with music made from AI

  3. Dora - No code 3D animated web design

  4. Pinbot - Private and precise search of browsing history

  5. Kaiber - Turn your normal video or image into an animation or any other style

  6. Rapli - Create customized rap songs in minutes

  7. HeyPi - Emotionally supportive conversationalist

  8. RoomGPT - Generate an interior design for your room

  9. GPT Stylist - AI tool for suggesting colors and designs for creators

  10. Unicody - Build unique landing pages with leads and tracking

💰Top AI crypto projects

  1. The Graph (GRT) - The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying data for networks like Ethereum and IPFS, powering many applications in both DeFi and the broader Web3 ecosystem.

  2. SingularityNET (AGIX) - SingularityNET is a blockchain-powered platform that allows anybody to easily "create, share, and monetize" AI services, thanks to its globally-accessible AI marketplace.

  3. Oasis Network (ROSE) - Oasis is the leading privacy-enabled and scalable layer-1 blockchain network. It combines high throughput and low gas fees with secure architecture to provide a next-generation foundation for Web3.

  4. Injective (INJ) - Injective is a blockchain built for finance. It is an open, interoperable layer-one blockchain powering next-generation DeFi applications, including decentralized spot and derivatives exchanges among others.

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