China's AI masterstroke

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Today we will discuss-

  • 🦸China sets rules for Generative AI services

  • 🤔 Israel aims to become global AI leader

  • 👩‍🎨UK to host AI safety summit in November

  • 🤩11 fantastic AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

China implements regulation on Generative AI to protect national security

👨‍🏫News - China has become the first major country to implement full-fledged regulations on generative artificial intelligence. The regulations, which took effect on Tuesday, aim to control AI to prevent it from posing a threat to national security.

The 24-article regulations call for generative AI services to adhere to socialism's central values and avoid transmitting views that are different from official announcements.

👩‍💻What are the key points though?

  • The regulations would protect intellectual property and personal data. It would also prevent discrimination and the spread of misinformation.

  • The govt. is mandating Chinese companies to develop their own generative AI technologies, rather than relying on foreign-made technologies. This is in line with the Chinese government's broader goal of becoming a leader in artificial intelligence.

  • Furthermore, the Xi Jinping govt. wouldn’t allow the use of any Gen AI services from other nations.

  • The 24-article regulations also calls for China to participate in the formulation of international rules on generative AI.

Well, China has implemented the latest regulations as interim measures, and they will be reviewed based on their effectiveness in practice.

Israel is competing with US, China to become a top 5 global AI power

🧑‍🎓News - Israel's government has launched a national AI program with the goal of making the country a top 5 global AI power.

The program, which is estimated to cost NIS 500 million ($133.2 million), will focus on integrating AI into government operations and improving the efficiency of services.

It will be led by Innovation, Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis. The program invites Israel's government ministry leaders to submit plans for the use of AI in government’s functioning.

What’s more? The program will also fund research and development in AI, and create a National AI Directorate to coordinate the country's AI efforts.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a delegation of US House Democrats, last week, that he aspires to make Israel one of the world's leading countries in artificial intelligence.

This move by the government is also expected to create jobs and boost the economy. However, the advancement of AI technology in Israel is not just limited to the public sector and the government. There are many private companies too that are developing and using this technology.

UK to bring together world leaders for AI safety summit in November

🧑‍🏫News - The UK will host a global summit on AI safety in early November, bringing together countries with shared interests in the technology to discuss its potential risks and benefits.

The summit will not only include government representatives from "like-minded" countries, but also leading academics and executives from tech firms that are at the forefront of AI research and development.

🧑‍🎄Who would be handling the preparations? The Prime Minister’s representatives, Matt Clifford and Jonathan Black, will lead talks and negotiations to make sure the summit results in the development of a shared approach to address the risks related to AI.

There has been some talk about whether China will attend the summit, given the recent disagreements between the country and Britain's partners.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak had announced the summit in June, after meeting with President Joe Biden in the United States.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

🕵🏼‍♀️Technical jargons simplified

  • Training data: It is a set of data that is used to teach an AI model how to perform a task. The data is typically labeled, which means that each piece of data has a correct answer associated with it.

  • Machine translation: It is the translation of text or speech from one language to another by an algorithm without any human intervention.

  • Unsupervised learning: A type of machine learning where the AI model is not given any labeled data. This means that the model does not know what the correct answers are. Instead, the model has to learn by itself by finding patterns in the data.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. BlackHedge - An AI-powered tool designed to help everyday investors trade successfully in the stock market

  2. SupaSQL - An AI-powered tool that helps users generate SQL queries for databases

  3. Contractable - A platform that helps users create personalized legal contracts quickly and affordably

  4. Vscoped - An AI-powered service that offers fast and accurate transcription of video and audio content

  5. PlayHT - An AI-powered text-to-speech (TTS) tool that can generate realistic audio using synthetic voices

  6. Cerebrium - A machine learning framework that simplifies the training, deployment, and monitoring of AI models

  7. Hovercode - A tool that allows users to create and manage trackable and editable QR codes

  8. MealGenie - A tool that uses AI to help users discover vegan recipes

  9. IconWizardAI - An AI-powered platform that allows users to generate unique and professional icons for their brands

  10. Icebreaker - A tool that helps improve the effectiveness of cold email outreach

  11. Galeby - An AI-powered customer support tool that aims to improve efficiency by answering repetitive customer queries

 👲Unusual AI use cases

  • AI stand up comedy - AI can generate jokes and stand-up routines, yielding absurdly humorous content. Botnik Studios, a machine entertainment company run by comedy writers, employs AI for comedic scripts, stories, and stand-up pieces.

  • AI Bartender - AI can craft unique cocktails by analyzing flavors and ingredients. A case in point is Makr Shakr's (a producer of robotic bartenders and baristas) robotic bartender which uses AI to suggest personalized recipes.

  • AI toilet sensor - AI-powered toilet sensors track restroom usage, alerting janitors for prompt cleaning. Companies like Procter & Gamble and Kimberly-Clark have been using AI for hygiene, maintaining a higher standard of sanitation and comfort for restroom visitors.

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