China sets strict AI rules

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Today we will discuss-

  • 👨‍🔬China unveils new regulations on AI research

  • 😺Adobe launches fresh generative AI tools

  • ⚡AI industry may match Netherlands in energy consumption

  • 😱9 amazing AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

China introduces new AI regulations to promote responsible development

👨‍⚖️News - The Chinese government has released new regulations that require universities, hospitals, enterprises, and research institutions to perform ethics reviews on all AI research. The regulations will take effect on December 1, 2023.

Well, ethics reviews are a process of checking research or projects to make sure they follow ethical standards and rules. This includes looking at how the research could affect people and society, and how likely it is to be biased or discriminatory.

🔬Which AI categories will these new rules affect? The new rules list seven types of AI research that will require additional verification from third-party experts, including:

  • Algorithmic models, applications, and systems capable of influencing public opinions and steering social awareness.

  • Clinical research that involves external AI devices being connected to the brain to help people with disabilities.

  • Automated decision-making system with security and health implications such as, medication dispensing robots or AI systems that analyze X-rays or MRIs.

  • Additionally, it will also include research involving data and algorithms which are crucial for developing large language models for AI.

Adobe enhances AI image generation with its latest Firefly model, tools and features

📸News - During its annual MAX conference for creatives, Adobe unveiled updates to the models driving Firefly, its generative AI image creation service. The updates will enable the model to create better human images with the inclusion of skin, hands, body and facial features.

For now, the new model called Firefly Image 2 Model will be available through the Firefly web app, but it will soon be available on Photoshop too.

🌟What else is new?

  • Adobe has also introduced a new vector graphics tool called Illustrator for graphic artists that will allow users to create entire scenes using only a text prompt.

  • Illustrator will come with a new feature called "Mockup" with which users can place their vector artwork onto any 3D scene, allowing them to imagine how the design would appear on a real object such as a book or a coffee cup.

  • Another addition is Retype, a feature that can transform static text within images into editable text.

In addition to these, Adobe is also introducing several features in the Firefly web app. Users will now have the ability to set the depth of field, motion blur, and field of view settings for their images.

Study predicts AI industry could use as much energy as a small country by 2027

♨️News - A new study warns that by 2027, the artificial intelligence industry could use as much energy as a country equivalent to the size of the Netherlands.

The study conducted by a PhD candidate at the VU Amsterdam School of Business and Economics, relies on certain factors staying constant. These factors include the pace of AI expansion, the availability of AI chips, and servers consistently operating at maximum capacity.

🤔How was this conclusion made though? By taking into account that chip designer NVIDIA is expected to provide approximately 95% of the AI processing equipment needed by the industry and examining the expected number of these computers to be supplied by 2027, an estimate of the energy consumption of AI was calculated. This estimate ranged between 85-134 terawatt-hours (TWh) annually, which is comparable to the annual electricity consumption of countries like Argentina, the Netherlands, and Sweden.

🙄What do we know about AI's energy use? Popular chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard rely on data centers, which are large warehouses of computers that consume a lot of energy. To put this into perspective, a typical family home uses about 4 kW of power, while a single rack of AI equipment in a data center can use up to 80 kW. A single data center may contain hundreds or even thousands of these racks.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

🗓️Historic Moments

  • 1972: Developed by Edward Shortliffe, Stanford University's clinical expert system -MYCIN aided doctors by diagnosing diseases through AI-generated recommendations. This marked a milestone in early AI expertise replication.

  • 2002: Torch, an open-source library for machine learning, was released. It provided a wide range of algorithms for data scientists to use freely, somewhat similar to GitHub.

  • 2018: Alibaba, sometimes referred to as "the Amazon of China," introduced an AI that outscored humans on the Stanford University reading and comprehension test.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. Chatwebby - An AI chatbot builder that allows users to create customized chatbots without coding knowledge

  2. Zendesk AI - An AI-powered tool that enhances customer service by providing personalized support and automating tasks

  3. We Are Learning - A tool that allows users to create high-quality immersive learning content in minutes

  4. SocialBook - A tool that uses AI technology to transform ordinary photos into captivating and fun cartoons

  5. EarningsEdge - An investment analysis tool that provides insights and analysis on market-moving events

  6. ComicifyAI - A tool that transforms images into comic-style illustrations using AI

  7. Hai News - An AI-powered news interaction tool that transforms the way users access and engage with news

  8. SmartBird - An AI assistant that helps users draft emails, social media posts, and messages quickly

  9. StoriAI - An AI-powered platform that helps businesses create and publish branded content effortlessly

🎮AI-based games

  • Alien: Isolation - It is a survival horror game set in the Alien universe. You play as Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley, as she investigates the disappearance of her mother on the space station Sevastopol. The game is praised for its atmosphere, suspense, and faithful recreation of the Alien universe.

  • Halo: Combat Evolved - It is a first-person shooter game where you play as Master Chief, a cybernetically enhanced supersoldier. The game's AI is used to create a sense of atmosphere and immersion, making you feel like you are actually in the game world.

  • Rocket League - A vehicular soccer game where you control rocket-powered cars to hit a ball into the opponent's goal. Here, AI has been used to create challenging and intelligent opponents, as well as to provide training tools for players.

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