AI threatens EU elections

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Today we will discuss-

  • 🤕AI could harm upcoming EU elections

  • 🩺WHO releases guidelines for AI in healthcare

  • 👎 Tech giants aren't sharing details about their AI models

  • 😱11 amazing AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom?

2024 EU elections face threat from AI misinformation, says ENISA report

🤖News - The 2023 Threat Landscape report from the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) highlights the risks posed by AI chatbots and AI-generated fake information in the form of videos, articles, or images on the upcoming 2024 European elections. Due to this, the report stresses the importance of remaining cautious and alert.

🗳️But how can AI misinformation harm elections? As stated by Juhan Lepassaar, the Executive Director of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, several individuals rely on information available on the internet to make electoral decisions. Hence, AI misinformation can significantly damage elections by spreading false information at a rapid pace, and influencing public opinion. It can trick voters into believing things that aren't true, ultimately compromising their decisions and making elections less fair and reliable.

😇Is anyone addressing this? Recently, Google updated its policy, making it mandatory for election ads to disclose their use of AI-generated synthetic content. This move allows voters to be better informed about the authenticity of the content they encounter on the search engine, helping them make more informed decisions during elections and reducing the potential influence of misleading information.

Additionally, last month nonprofit organization AIandYou started using AI-generated misinformation such as fake videos of politicians to educate voters about what fake content is like and how they can identify it.

WHO issues guidance on regulation of AI-based health technologies

🏥News - The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a new document outlining important regulatory considerations regarding the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

In response to the global need to manage the rapid growth of AI health technologies, the publication identifies six key areas for regulating AI in healthcare.

👨‍⚕️What are some of these key areas though?

  • Trust: The publication highlights the need for transparency and documentation, including recording the entire product lifecycle and tracking development processes.

  • Risk management: It recommends addressing crucial aspects such as intended use, continuous learning, model training, and cybersecurity threats while keeping models as simple as possible.

  • Validating data: The organization advises validating data from external sources and providing a clear description of AI's intended use to ensure safety and simplify the regulatory process.

  • Data quality: Dedicating attention to data quality, particularly through thorough pre-release system evaluations, is crucial to prevent systems from exacerbating biases and errors.

  • Collaboration: Lastly, it emphasizes that fostering collaboration among regulatory bodies, patients, healthcare professionals, industry representatives, and government partners can help maintain compliance with regulations for products and services throughout their lifecycle.

Big tech companies’ Large Language Models aren't transparent, researchers find 

🤓News - Stanford University researchers released a report on Wednesday, in which they evaluated the transparency of foundational AI models created by companies like OpenAI and Google.

The transparency index assessed 10 widely used AI models on 100 different criteria, including factors like training data and computational resources. All models scored poorly in terms of transparency, with even the most transparent one - Meta's Llama 2, scoring just 53 out of 100. Here, transparency refers to the information these companies share about how, on what data their models are trained, and where they get their data from among other things.

😟Why is this problematic? 

  • Without transparency, it's challenging to ensure that companies are making ethically sound decisions, especially in areas like data sourcing, handling and privacy.

  • Users may lose trust in AI systems and the organizations that develop them if they are not transparent. When users know how their data is used, they are more likely to trust AI systems and willingly engage with them.

  • In a world where we depend more on these models for making decisions and automating tasks, it's vital to know their limitations and biases.

  • Moreover, lack of transparency can hinder innovation and collaboration, as it can deter researchers, developers, and potential partners from engaging with companies that are not forthcoming with their methods and technologies.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

🤯Did you know

  • The adoption of robotic technologies in the life and pharmaceutical industries saw a 70% increase between 2020 and 2021.

  • In 2018, a robot built by researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore assembled an IKEA chair in a mere 20 minutes, highlighting the remarkable progress made in the field of robotics.

  • Among the leading companies in the US, 91.5% have made investments in AI technologies, including prominent names like Google, General Motors, Pfizer, and CVS Health.

👩🏼‍🚒Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. ChatQ - A website that allows users to create customized chatbots for their websites and documents

  2. Smitty - An AI chatbot designed to answer questions about a product or service, providing fast and accurate responses

  3. ToolsIT - An AI-powered content generation platform that helps businesses create high-quality written content quickly

  4. Spur Fit - A fitness automation platform that helps fitness trainers create personalized workout and meal plans for their clients

  5. PseudoEditor - An online pseudocode editor/IDE that allows users to write and test pseudocode algorithms

  6. Hotball - An AI-powered business consulting tool that helps entrepreneurs turn their ideas into a feasible business model

  7. AI Dream Home - A comprehensive online platform for finding your dream home

  8. Neural Times - An AI-powered news site that uses AI to select, research, write, and publish news articles

  9. JustFive - A fitness app that offers quick five minute daily workouts

  10. Obiklip - A video editing software designed to simplify the process of editing speech and podcast content

  11. Bonfire - Allows businesses to automate tasks, streamline operations, and improve customer engagement

👸AI generated influencers

  • Seraphine - An empathic AI-driven character known for her stylized appearance. Originating from the fictional world of Piltover in League of Legends, she's dedicated to music, employing emotional energy in her production, writing, and singing endeavors.

  • Lechat - A versatile talent hailing from M-City. Intrigued by Earth's culture, she's a K-Pop and Hollywood films enthusiast. She captivates her audience with TikTok dance videos, trend participation, and fan interactions.

  • Thalasya - Originally from Jakarta, Indonesia, she lives to travel and has gathered a dedicated Instagram following of 462,000. To sustain her travels, she partners with hotels, restaurants, and promotes health supplements. In addition to this, she also runs a clothing store called Yipiiiii.

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