AI dangerous for women

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Today we will discuss-

  • 🤩SEC proposes new rules for AI in trading

  • 🧑🏼‍⚕️AWS introduces generative AI tool for doctors

  • 👸🏻AI will take more jobs from women, report warns

  • 🤯9 fantastic AI tools you might not have heard of

All this and more - Let's dive in!

👩‍🍳What’s cooking in the newsroom

SEC considers new rules to address the risks of using AI in trading

🦸🏼‍♂️News - The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Wednesday proposed new rules to address conflicts of interest in the use of artificial intelligence in trading.

👨🏼‍⚕️What does ‘conflicts of interest in the use of AI in trading’ mean?

A broker-dealer that uses AI to target retail investors with advertisements for a stock could have a conflict of interest if he also owns shares of that stock. In this case, the broker could be motivated to target retail investors with advertisements of the stock in order to drive up the price, which would benefit the broker-dealer's own investment.

🧑🏼‍💻So what has the SEC proposed? The proposed SEC rules would require broker-dealers to disclose any potential conflicts of interest to their customers, and to take steps to minimize the impact of these conflicts.

For example, the broker could disclose to its customers that it owns shares of the stock he is advertising. At the same time, he could also design his AI system to reduce the chances of targeting retail investors with advertisements of that stock.

🧔🏼‍♀️ What’s the conclusion then? The proposed rules are still in the early stages, and they have not yet been finalized. However, they represent a significant step forward in the SEC's efforts to protect investors from AI-related risks.

AWS unveils new Gen AI tool for doctors to save time on paperwork

💁🏼‍♀️News - Amazon Web Services (AWS) has introduced a new service for healthcare software providers called AWS HealthScribe. This service uses generative artificial intelligence and speech recognition to automatically create clinical documentation.

🤶🏼What’s the exact function of this new tool? AWS HealthScribe can generate transcripts and summaries of patient visits, extract notable medical terms, medications, and other key details. Physicians can then review and edit the generated text before entering it into the electronic health record system.

The tool is powered by Amazon Bedrock, a service that helps developers build generative AI applications. The company has said that AWS HealthScribe is compliant with HIPAA, which means it does not retain any customer information. Customers can also choose where they want to store their clinical documentation.

🤷🏻‍♀️ What about the pay factor? The cost of AWS HealthScribe will vary depending on how much audio is processed each month. Customers will be charged on a pay-as-you-go basis, with pricing based on the seconds of audio processed.

AI could lead to millions of job losses for women by 2030, report finds

🕵️‍♂️News - A new report by the McKinsey Global Institute finds that nearly a third of hours worked in the United States could be automated by 2030. This could lead to millions of job losses, especially for women.

The report also found that women are overrepresented in industries that are most likely to be automated, such as food services, customer service, and office support. These industries are also typically low-paying, so women who lose their jobs in these sectors may have difficulty finding new jobs that pay as well.

The key findings of the report include -

  • By 2030, at least 12 million workers will need to transition to new industries as the industries they currently work in would shrink. Most of these workers will be low-wage earners, and they will likely need to acquire new skills in order to find new jobs.

  • Black and Hispanic workers, people without college degrees, and the youngest and oldest workers are more likely to be affected by automation.

The report does not paint an entirely bleak picture though. It stated that advances in AI could also have some positive effects on existing jobs and create new work opportunities.

👩🏼‍💻What else is happening?

 🤖Technical jargon simplified

  • Intent: The word is commonly used in training data for chatbots and other natural language processing tasks. It is a type of label that defines the purpose of a sentence. For example, the intent for the phrase "turn the volume down" could be "decrease volume."

  • AI ethics: It deals with the moral and ethical implications of artificial intelligence. It is concerned with the development and use of AI in a way that is safe, responsible, and beneficial to humanity.

  • Backpropagation: It is a way to teach a computer how to do something by telling it what it did wrong and how it could fix the mistakes.

 😵Discover mind-blowing AI tools

  1. PitchLeague - A platform designed to help startup founders improve their pitch decks and impress potential investors

  2. Agent4 - A virtual agent platform that allows users to create custom voice experiences for their phone calls

  3. LiarLiar - An AI-powered lie detection tool that analyzes micromovements and heart rate cues to detect deception

  4. AbanteAI - An open-source coding assistant powered by GPT-4

  5. Fillout - An AI-powered form builder that allows users to create online forms quickly

  6. Fronty - AI-powered tool that converts images into HTML and CSS code for website development

  7. DataChat - A data analytics tool that simplifies the process of analyzing and visualizing data

  8. Gigapixel AI Upscaler - A deep learning-based image upscaling site that can increase the resolution and quality of images

  9. Ollie - An AI-powered shopping consultant; takes the stress out of gift-giving by suggesting perfect presents

🎃Some unusual AI use cases

  • AI dating coach: AI chatbots that provide personalized dating advice and help individuals improve their dating experiences. These AI chatbots leverage vast amounts of data, including dating trends, relationship psychology, and social dynamics, to provide valuable insights

  • AI sports analyst: These system uses real-time data analysis to offer coaches and athletes valuable insights into their performance and strategies during sports games. It helps optimize gameplay, enhance tactics, and make data-driven decisions, ultimately improving team performance and individual player skills.

  • AI astrology interpreter: It utilize algorithms to analyze astrological charts, delivering tailored horoscopes and life guidance based on an individual's birth details and celestial positions.

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